Why Your Blog Strategy Isn’t Driving Traffic

Here are tried and tested tactics we used to increase our blog traffic:

You Aren't Doing Keyword Research !

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That involves identifying popular words and phrases that users enter into search engines.

You Don't Understand Your                      Readers !

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you should have a clear understanding of your target audience.

Your Titles Aren't Interesting !

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You need a compelling title that pulls the reader in

You Aren't Writing for the Internet

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You want to write enough to fully                   answer the                          reader’s                                 question,                                   but not                                   so much                                   that                                      you                                stray                             away                            from the                     main topic.

You Aren't Including Images

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Images help break up your post content and keep them engaged.

You Aren't Linking Correctly

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Linking is a powerful tool in terms of site navigation and SEO.

You Aren't Sharing Your Posts on Social Media

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Blogs and social media are the perfect combo. They work together so well.

You're Missing a Compelling Call to Action

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You're Missing a Compelling Call to Action

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