Large Radish

“How Bloggers Driving Traffic To Blog”

It's easy to become discouraged and give up on blogging, but once you see the benefits, you'll realise that your blog can have a huge impact on your business by attracting traffic to your site.

Large Radish

“Find Correct Keyword”

Every blog post you write should be focused on a single keyword. When you optimise your post for a variety of keywords, Google and other search engines become confused. They have no idea what your content is about.

Large Radish

“Create Eye Catching Title”

Your title tag is the most important of the two when it comes to blog SEO. This is because Google gives more weight to terms that appear in your page's title tag.

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“Use H1, H2 and H3 Subheadings”

Add  H1, H2 and H3 Headings and Subheadings To Improve Readability These are the most important SEO best practises to remember when optimising your blog content.

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“Create Clean & Short URL”

Dont Add Numbers in Url, Make It Clear & Clear This is why I recommend using short, unique URLs for each post. For example, many blogging platforms (including WordPress) generate URLs based on the title of your blog.

Large Radish

“Write Unique Meta Descriptions”

One of our study's most intriguing findings was that meta descriptions can increase organic click-through rate. So you should definitely write a unique meta description for each post you publish on your blog.

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“Internal Link Between Posts”

Try linking between different posts on your website. When you publish something new, the simplest way to take advantage of internal linking is to follow this two-step process: One, include 5-10 internal links in your new post. These hyperlinks should lead to older posts on your website. Two, Include 3-4 Internal Links from Your Old Post To New Post

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“Create a Blog Sitemap”

Googlebot crawls them all the time. But, to make it super easy for Google to crawl and index all of your posts, I recommend using a sitemap. A sitemap is simply a list of links to all of your posts and pages.