Five SEO mistakes  to avoid

Not setting clear SEO goals

Ignoring search  intent

Overlooking mobile traffic

Ignoring branded SEO & EAT


Buying backlinks

Not setting clear SEO goals

It should come as no surprise that you need clear goals to succeed with SEO.

Search intent is a hidden ranking factor that impacts SERP results. Google favors sites whose content satisfies the search intent for a given query.

Ignoring search intent


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Overlooking mobile traffic

If your website is not mobile-friendly or mobile search is not part of your SEO strategy, you might be leaving money on the table.

Engaging with  your followers.

Buying backlinks

Backlinks are among the most important ranking factors. But If you’re buying links to boost your website rankings, you might end up  with a penalty from Google.

Ignoring branded SEO & EAT

SEO is not just about ranking higher on Google. It’s also about building a trustworthy brand.

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