7 SEO Tactics That Will Always Help You

Posted On August 4th, 2023

Seo Tactics

You know that old saying, “You have to play the game if you want to win it,” So, in order for your website to be successful online, it must adhere to the same rules. When you think about it, how many times have you heard that? Perhaps it’s because people who say that usually mean something more substantial than a simple “get better SEO”? Regardless of its meaning, we believe this advice applies perfectly to SEO. If you want to increase your visibility to attract new customers and want search engine crawlers to pass your site faster, then you need to update your site regularly and implement these six tactics for SEO:

1. Use Long Tail Keywords

Keywords are the words the user types into the search engines to get related results. Search engines then research keywords and give relevant data to the target audience. There are generally two types of keywords namely, short tail and long tail keywords. Short tail keywords are the keywords that have high volume and more competition. These keywords are usually used on the products and services page. Long tail keywords have less volume and less competition. These keywords are used for specific searches. Recent studies show that more than 90% of searches are long tail keywords. 

For example, ‘How to boost organic traffic‘ is a long tail keyword. While ‘website traffic’ is a short tail keyword.  The difference between the two is that in long tail keywords, the user is specifically looking for an answer of how to increase organic traffic. While using short tail keywords is more generic and the intent behind the search could be looking for meaning or several interpretations. Long tail keywords have lower volume and lower competition. Thus, they have a good ranking.

2. Focus On Good User Experience

Other than keywords and content, you must focus on providing a great experience to users. When ranking a website, Google considers various factors like the time users spent on the page. If the user leaves your page within a few seconds, this hints to Google that the user is not interested in your page. As per a recent study, the first five seconds of a page’s loading time has a huge impact on the conversion rate. Therefore, user experience is the most significant factor in Google’s ranking. Let’s see how you can enhance user experience:

  • Ensure that the content meets the search intent for every keyword used.
  • Shorten the image size to enhance the loading time of the web page.
  • Use short paragraphs and clear headlines.
  • Try to put the most significant information at the top. 
  • Avoid using redundant content or images.

3. Include Various Media Forms

Using several media types definitely enhances ranking. These media types can include videos, audios, or ebooks. Incorporating different media types in your blog enhances user experience and thus, increases the time user spends on your web page. For example, you can put YouTube videos and audio clips of the related topics in your blog. 

4. Use Keywords In Headlines

Using keywords in headlines attracts search engines and targets users to your content. For example, ‘The Table Of Contents’  gives an overview to users, similarly, keywords used in headlines give a signal to search engines. However, you must ensure not to fit the keywords unnecessarily everywhere. Find the appropriate areas where the target keywords fit in and make sense.

5. Use Internal Links

Another key ingredient in Google’s ranking is the time user spends on the entire website. The longer the user stays on your website, the better the chances of a good ranking. Two ways in which you can tempt your user to stay on your website for a longer duration are :

  • Good and engaging content
  • Using internal links

It is recommended to include minimum of 2 to 3 internal links in each blog post. This makes user to explore deeper into the website.

6. Focus On Great and Updated Content

It is important to keep your content engaging and updated because search engines extract the most recent and relevant content. Quality content attracts more and more users. While updating the content, ensure that you incorporate up-to-date information and data. In addition, try to update images too. If your content succeeds in keeping the user engaged, your website will then rank higher in search engine results.

7. Manage Content For Voice Search

Voice search has recently replaced traditional search. With the increasing number of mobile users, voice search has become the latest trend. Users find it easy to say their queries while searching than type. As per SEO specialists, your content should include long-tail keywords and powerful words (like best, shortest, cheapest, etc.) to increase visibility and fulfil the user’s needs.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a cornerstone of any successful online marketing strategy. To maximize your website’s visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

Remember, SEO is a long-term game. Consistent implementation of these strategies over time will lead to improved search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.


The more visible your site is to search engines, the easier it will be for users to find you and the more successful your marketing efforts will be. These six techniques will help you to boost your website’s SEO with minimal effort. With a few adjustments to your site’s layout, navigation, and content, you can create a highly optimized website that will get the traffic you want and rank better in search results pages.


What are the top three SEO strategies?

1. Keyword research
2. Internal linking
3. Content marketing

How to grow SEO organically?

1. Start with keyword research.
2. Use long tail keywords.
3. Optimize your content.
4. Use internal links.
5. Optimize your page with keywords.

Which SEO strategy should we avoid?

Avoid keyword stuffing, that is excessive and unnecessary use of keywords in your blog post. Keywords should fit in your content and must be included only where relevant.

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